The most elusive state of mind for many is HAPPINESS. To attain this state there are many simple things we can do to enjoy more happiness and contentment. It is not only bringing happiness into our lives but to those we love too. Happiness is capable of building ones mental strength, self esteem and confidence.
Personal mental health comes from good. Evil leads to sickness of the mind. Happiness is only possible for you if you choose to be a good person. Helping others brings immense benefits and satisfaction, therefore happiness.
To increase your personal mental health, laugh and smile as much as you can. Never take yourself or life so seriously. Do things you love as often as possible. Realize even if you fail it is never the end of the world. Walk or exercise whenever you can. Focus on your successes and believe in yourself. Be honest to others and to yourself. Never bottle up negative thoughts or depressive feelings. Sometimes it feels so good to just express what we think without bothering about niceties.
I think we are meant to be happy and always make happiness an aim, despite the obvious let-downs and challenges. We can all make that choice. You can choose to be happy or sad and whichever you choose that is what you get. You need to make a conscious effort and overcome negative feelings and develop gratitude and forgiveness.
Always look at life with a positive frame of mind and optimism is a good defense against unhappiness. If you can change a statement which is negatively implied to your advantage in a positive manner without hurting others you are on the course to happiness.
Happy people manage to look on the bright side, even if they encounter big problems on their way. Others might live in darkness all year for no apparent reason.
Someone said “Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so.....’Love the people who treat you right. .............Pray for the ones who don't - that they see the wisdom of their foolish ways' Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it! Happiness is a Voyage, not a destination- There is no better time to be happy than…….Now! Live and enjoy the moment”
So be positive, caring and love others and you will find happiness!
Personal mental health comes from good. Evil leads to sickness of the mind. Happiness is only possible for you if you choose to be a good person. Helping others brings immense benefits and satisfaction, therefore happiness.
To increase your personal mental health, laugh and smile as much as you can. Never take yourself or life so seriously. Do things you love as often as possible. Realize even if you fail it is never the end of the world. Walk or exercise whenever you can. Focus on your successes and believe in yourself. Be honest to others and to yourself. Never bottle up negative thoughts or depressive feelings. Sometimes it feels so good to just express what we think without bothering about niceties.
I think we are meant to be happy and always make happiness an aim, despite the obvious let-downs and challenges. We can all make that choice. You can choose to be happy or sad and whichever you choose that is what you get. You need to make a conscious effort and overcome negative feelings and develop gratitude and forgiveness.
Always look at life with a positive frame of mind and optimism is a good defense against unhappiness. If you can change a statement which is negatively implied to your advantage in a positive manner without hurting others you are on the course to happiness.
Happy people manage to look on the bright side, even if they encounter big problems on their way. Others might live in darkness all year for no apparent reason.
Someone said “Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so.....’Love the people who treat you right. .............Pray for the ones who don't - that they see the wisdom of their foolish ways' Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it! Happiness is a Voyage, not a destination- There is no better time to be happy than…….Now! Live and enjoy the moment”
So be positive, caring and love others and you will find happiness!